AEG is the acknowledged international leader in environmental and engineering geology, and is greatly respected for its stewardship of the profession. AEG offers information on environmental and engineering geology useful to practitioners, scientists, students, and the public. Other geosciences organizations recognize the value of using and sharing AEG's outstanding resources. AEG leads the profession in its advocacy for: Legislation, Professional Licensure, Regulation, and Codes and Standards as each affects the practice of applied geosciences.

AEG's administration assures representation for all its members. Its outstanding staff assists members with a wide range of services that enable them to be more effective in their professional lives. Staff regularly reviews and modifies these services to adapt to the membership’s changing needs. AEG’s membership continually grows. Members and students are attracted by the educational and networking opportunities and the quality services provided.

AEG 2021 Annual Meeting

Westin Riverwalk - San Antonio, Texas


September 18-26, 2021

Visit www.aegannualmeetings.org for all of the details.

© 2021 Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists 

Contact: Heather Clark, AEG Meeting Manager, heather@aegweb.org