Sponsors and Exhibitor Opportunities
Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists AEG is a leader in the applied geologic sciences and a steward of the profession. We provide information on environmental and engineering geology to practitioners, scientists, students, and the public. AEG leads the profession in its advocacy for: Legislation, Professional Licensure, Regulation and Codes and Standards as each affects the practice of applied geosciences. Sponsoring is effective advertising that builds lasting recognition and good will for your company.
Company recognition with Industry Professionals:
Public and Private Owners: Utilities, Cities, Municipal Water Districts, Water and Sewer DepartmentS, Transportation Departments, Developers, Financiers, and more...
Integrated Project Team Leaders
Senior Level Executives representing Environmental Engineers, Contractors and Specialists
All the major suppliers and specialty contractors that support major Infrastructure projects
Increased brand exposure to potential clients and teaming partners
Expand your business to a global market
Build lasting recognition for your company
All sponsors receive these baseline benefits:
· Listing on the Workshop's website.
· Your logo listed during the Workshop.
· Listing in the Workshop's Program.
Event Sponsorship Package (2 Available) - $1500
Two Meeting Registrations
Full Page Ad in the attendee program
Exhibit Booth
Logo on the attendee registration bag and the choice of on the attendee lanyard or Workshop USB drive
Technical Session (2 available) - $1000
One Meeting Registration
Half Page Ad in the attendee program
Exhibit Booth
Break Sponsorship (4 available) - $250
Lunch Sponsorship (2 available) - $250
Welcome Reception Sponsorship (1 available) - $250
Field Trip Sponsorship (1 available)- $250
Table Top Exhibit Booth (Includes one registration, skirted table, chair, power and internet) - Only 6 available - $750
We are flexible! Please contact AEG Meeting Manager, Heather Clark at 303- 518-0618 or email heather@aegweb.org