Virtual Event


Recent Advancements in Karst & Karst-Like Hazards’ Investigation and Mitigation

Recent Advancements in Karst & Karst-Like Hazards’ Investigation and Mitigation


– Oral & Posters Presentations –

Instructions for Writing and Submitting your Abstract


  • Write & revise both your abstract and a brief bio before submitting them for your forum’s oral or poster presentation.  

  • Save your abstract in 10-point Times font using the format of the Sample Abstract below.  

  • English is the language of the forum.  

  • Abstracts are only being accepted for the forum’s themes of Karst, Pseudokarst, and Anthropogenic Sinkholes. 

  • Your proposed abstract may be written for a specific forum topic (geologic environs, investigation/mapping, geophysics/remote sensing, hazard/use categories, risk of the hazard, mitigation of the hazard, public information/protection, and case history) or may be written with your own concept and then listed under one of the forum’s topics. 

  • The presentations must impart professional information and are not permitted to be business advertisements. 

  • Contact Heather Clark, via the Contact button on the Home Page, for any inquiries.

  • With your saved abstract and bio, complete the Abstract Submission Form. 

  • Please click on the following link to submit your abstract: aeg/karst2021. Username: aeg, Password: karst2021 (Do not use your AEG member username and password).

  • Following below are some specific instructions by the form’s line order.  


Specific instructions by the Abstract Submission Form’s line order:

  • Author Last Name: Type your last name and you may follow it with your state licensure designation(s) if any, e.g. PG, PE, PG, RG, SE, …

  • Co-Author(s): Co-authors are not required.  A co-author or a back-up presenter is encouraged.  Enter one line for each co-author in the format of: first name last name, state licensure designation(s) if any, email address.

  • Abstract Theme: Select the single, dominant, drop-down theme that applies to your abstract from Karst, Pseudokarst, Anthropogenic Sinkholes, Multiple Themes. Only select Multiple Themes, if your presentation will be divided equally between two or all three of the major themes.

  • Abstract Topic: Select the single, dominant, drop-down topic that applies to your abstract from Case History, Geologic Environs, Geophysics/Remote Sensing, Hazard/Use Categories, Investigation/Mapping, Mitigation, Public Info/Protection, or Risk.

  • Abstract’s Topic Detail: Enter in 50 words or less further detail on the selected topic. E.g.: “Specific dam project …” for a selected topic of Case History; “Contaminant transport through Pseudokarst …” or “Tunnel construction issues …” for a selected topic of Hazard/Use Categories; “Locating & grouting water flow …” for a selected topic of Mitigation; “IL State Mine Insurance model …” for a selected topic of Public Info/Protection; “Appraising a site investigation’s numerical risk …” for a selected topic of Risk. The Comments block may be used for further description.

  • Author Status: Select your status from the two drop-down list’s choices.

  • Submission Status: Select your status as offering or invited, and oral or poster presentation format from the drop-down list’s choices.

  • Presenter Bio:  Paste your prepared bio (limited to 125 words or less), for the Presenter, who is listed as the Author in the first two lines and has provided the contact information.

  • Abstract Title: Paste your abstract’s title, limited to 120 characters or less including spaces, in this location.  Please capitalize the first letter of all primary words, as in the Sample Abstract below.

  • Abstract: Paste your abstract, limited to 300 words or less, in this location.

  • Comments: No comments are required.  Enter any comments about the authors, lack of a back-up presenter, the Abstract’s Topic Detail, or the Abstract. Added comments may provide useful background or assist in appraising acceptability.

  • Back-up Presenter: Enter the info for your back-up presenter (if you have one): first name last name, state licensure designation(s) if any.


Your abstract will be reviewed for subject and format appropriateness and notifications of acceptance/rejection will be emailed by Tuesday, February 23, 2021. The presenter of an accepted abstract is required to register for the Forum by March 1, 2021, for your abstract to be included in the Forum’s Program.  Please have a back-up presenter prepared to give your presentation should you not be able to attend live. 


Your poster or your PowerPoint file for your oral presentation is required to be provided by Tuesday, March 16, 2021.  Information on the presentation format, its submission, and the computer requirements for your oral presentation or poster discussion will be provided with your acceptance email.  


Sample Abstract:

“Your Country is Falling Apart” Response to Recent Landslides by the North Carolina Geological Survey

Bauer, Jennifer, North Carolina Geological Survey,; Richard M. Wooten; Kenneth A. Gillon; Thomas J. Douglas


Since August 2009, the mountains of Western North Carolina have received 42 inches of rainfall, 16 inches above normal, relieving the region of a two-year drought. These rain events have also increased soil moisture, raised groundwater levels, and triggered over 40 landslide events in the region. As part of its commitment to public safety, the North Carolina Geological Survey has responded to fifteen of these events to evaluate slope stability and provide information to assist state and local agencies and the public. These response efforts have included requests from emergency management officials, erosion control officers, and town planners concerned about the life, health, safety and property of their citizens. Response activities include stability assessment and monitoring of sites during recovery and clean-up efforts; assisting in determining the nature and extent of the slope failures; mapping the affected area and areas that could be affected (e.g. hazard zonation and debris flow inundation modeling), making Geographic Information System (GIS) maps to assist emergency management officials in their response and contingency planning; and communicating findings to the appropriate officials, public, and the media. Mapping and data collected at these sites is incorporated into a slope movement-slope movement deposit geodatabase. All of the slope movements to which the NCGS responded occurred on slopes that have been modified in some way by human activity; four of them have damaged six structures and four threaten homes, one of which has been condemned. This paper will illustrate several of these landslide investigations and responses, as well as give a brief timeline of rainfall events correlating to these slope failures.


© 2021 Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists 

Contact: Heather Clark, AEG Meeting Manager,